Band members trumpet Covid masks

Members of the Te Awamutu Brass Band hard at it during their August 22 mask-sewing working bee.

Members of the Te Awamutu Brass Band have just made 700 face masks – for both adults and children – in a highly topical fundraising initiative that dovetails perfectly with Covid requirements.
They’re selling all the masks at $5 a pop and are getting requests from all around the country.
The decision to make the masks started when one of their number, Jenny Yarndley – who runs her own sewing business from home – found herself with an order for around 200 masks.
Band president Susan Jenkins said: “Jenny got in touch with me, thinking it might be an idea to make masks as a fundraiser for the band. We normally would do around four to five fundraisers a year, but Covid has really stymied us.”
With overwhelming support from the band, the decision was made, and the band held a busy working bee at Jenny’s place on August 22 to sew the masks.
“We have made 700 of them in all,” said Susan. “The whole thing has taken around a fortnight to do. We’ll take a break now, which will also allow Jenny to catch up with her regular work, but we are open to doing more down the track.
“It’s been an amazing initiative. There were a few standouts in terms of getting them done,” she added. “I’ll make special mention of Denise Wilson, Gaynor Krippner and Sheryll Davies. They were sewing flat out all week.”

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