Stay at home tomorrow

The Western Waikato Emergency Operations Centre (WWEOC) is reminding people to stay at home in their lockdown bubbles on Anzac Day tomorrow – and not to visit Cenotaphs to lay wreaths.

It is the first time in more than a century, thanks to the Covid-19 lockdown, formal April 25 Anzac Day events in New Zealand are cancelled.

In their place, likely thousands of New Zealanders will this year ‘Stand at Dawn’ at the end of their driveways at home in their lockdown bubble at 6am tomorrow morning, April 25.

A spokesperson told the News people could tune into Radio New Zealand National and Newstalk ZB on both AM and FM frequencies, listen live on the internet or download the mobile phone app to be part of the official dawn service broadcast.

Further information about how to commemorate Anzac Day “from home this year” was at

“See you online,” they said.

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